1987, Handel's The Messiah

Plans were already afoot to do Messiah again at Easter, and rehearsals began in February. Once again, the policy of involving as many soloists as possible was implemented. Unfortunately there was again a shortage of tenors and Clive Skews returned to repeat the tenor solos. Other soloists who had not featured before were Emilie Johnson, a sixteen-year-old soprano, Rod Gorfine, who joined the chorus for Pinafore, and Paul Clements, one of the tenor chorus, who had sung the Carpenter's Mate in Pinafore and sang a bass solo!

This was a major change for Rod, who had previously restricted himself to Gilbert and Sullivan - mainly with the State Electricity Commission Gilbert and Sullivan Company, where he was able to rehearse and perform at lunch times. His big voice and presence make him ideal for many of the Gilbert and Sullivan baritone roles he was to play in future years with Diamond Valley Singers.

The main performance was held on Palm Sunday at Diamond Creek Uniting Church, with an early one at the Templestowe Retirement Village. At Diamond Creek Nancy Cornwallis valiantly stepped into I know that my Redeemer Liveth when Mavis left at interval to visit her seriously ill mother in hospital.

These history notes have been kindly provided by our long-term artistic director and co-founder, Graham Ford.