1986, Handel's The Messiah

1985 was indeed a busy year for the fledgling Society, but 1986 was to prove even more challenging. The Committee decided that it was too much to ask members to wait until October (the month scheduled for the next Gilbert and Sullivan production) to perform. Why not tackle a major choral work in April? What more appropriate work than Handel's ‘The Messiah’.

Ian and the orchestra were keen, and rehearsals began in February. As far as soloists were concerned, the policy was introduced of giving as many singers as were capable of the task, the opportunity of doing a solo, and this practice has been followed ever since for major choral works.

Two performances took place in April, the first at Greensborough Anglican Church and the second at Diamond Creek Uniting Church. With no capable tenor soloist in the group at the time, Clive Skews was imported to sing the tenor solos. Other soloists included Graham Ford, Judith O'Shea, Francis Johnson, Rita Burchill, Dianne Richter, Nancy Cornwallis, Robyn Ford, Mavis Ford and Colin Chapman.

Some of the more complex choruses were performed as vocal quartets, with some of the more complex orchestral writing being performed by a string quartet. Chorus, soloists and orchestra acquitted themselves well.

These history notes have been kindly provided by our long-term artistic director and co-founder, Graham Ford.