1999, History and other events

This was the year the second stage musicals started - and with a clever local product! The Mikado continued the tradition of adapting Gilbert's settings to be more open to social comment. So The Mikado became the name of a Japanese restaurant on the Gold Coast, and we milked the current interest of the Japanese in Australia! The new orchestra conductor was Marie-Louise (Mary) Wright. DVS donated $7000 to charity, $66,400 in total.

During the Mikado rehearsal period, some of the members went to the Bendigo Competitions where Lesley Walton won the Novice section. Michael Try picked up three seconds and made the Aria final, as did Yolande Suffern, our Patience. Diane Morgan distinguished herself in the Negro Spiritual by singing unaccompanied. She played her starting note on the piano and proceeded to start on another note! And at the end she turned round to thank the accompanist! She came third.

There were two other concerts performed during the rehearsal period, one for a launch of a book written by former member, Anthony Marshall, a second-hand bookseller, who had written about his profession. At the first one Kate Taylor rang during the day to say she'd had a minor car accident, so Mavis Ford stepped in for the madrigal and "Three Little Maids".

During Mikado it was found that the sets had disappeared from our storage facility, which was closing. Eventually they were found to have been given to another company, and were returned after their production! Another storage facility was found that we could share with Park Players - a chook shed.

The choir was asked to assist with the Banyule Winter Festival, performing a new work composed by the conductor of the Eltham Concert Band, Barry McKimm. This was quite successful, with interesting and accessible music, but there were problems with the sound. The singers were miked, but couldn't hear themselves.

At the AGM, Ian Lowe was presented with Life Membership for his contribution to the group. Kevin Whiting stepped down as treasurer and his position was taken over by Geoff Vaughan. Merri Saltmarsh took over Irene Hayes' position.

The DVS had received an invitation to sing carols on the Ivanhoe Boulevard. After the successful Messiah season, over forty stayed around for carols, conducted by Lesley Walton again. Those involved always enjoy contributing to the festive season and many people stand around, listen and join in, a lovely way to end the year. Prior to the Grassy Flats performance, there was a committee meeting held in Ian's car - it was cold outside! Quite a good number came to join in, and Lesley got the kids up to sing "Away in a Manger". Afterwards we all went to the O'Sheas' for supper and finished the year very happily.

HistorySteve Wilkie1999