1995, History and other events

Pinafore and Trial are often combined on the one playbill, and provided a challenge for DVS. A challenge of a different kind came from Sphor's The Last Judgement for which we were ably helped by guest conductor Gerard Mack. DVS donated $5000 to charity, $45,900 in ten years.

Of course there was a Ten Year Anniversary barbecue at Diane and John Morgan's, with Henk Uwland operating the barbecue which was a delightful occasion.

The DVS members often share each other's joys and sorrows and occasionally, unfortunate we lose one of our members. Early in August a number of members attended the funeral Carolynn O'Brien, a woman her forties who had been a very active member before her illness.

In September there was an EMO production of Don Giovanni, conducted by Ian, with Graham playing Masetto, a number of other members of DVS in the chorus and Diane Morgan struggling with the publicity. It was held at Warrandyte and was very successful.

In early October, the DVS joined with the G&S Society to celebrate their 60th anniversary with a weekend singing through the entire G&S repertoire. We provided soloists for Trial by Jury and HMS Pinafore and the audience joined in the choruses. A number of other G&S Societies participated, but not many managed to stay the distance. Graham conducted, while an audience member stepped in for a missing Usher. On Saturday Graham stepped into the role of Dick Deadeye.

At the end of October the AGM was held and office bearers remained. Die Fledermaus was recommended as a first step towards moving away from G&S. It was out of copyright and we were able to hire Chris White's sets from Babirra Players. Graham was missing, attending auditions for EMO.

At the end of October the AGM was held and office bearers remained. Graham was missing, attending auditions for EMO.

HistorySteve Wilkie1995